Beast Academy 1A
$ 27.00
By Jason Batterson and Shannon Rogers.
Illustrated by Erich Owen and Sarah Leuver.
Recommended for students ages 6‑8.
Beast Academy provides a fun, rigorous, challenging, complete curriculum for aspiring math beasts. Unit 1A includes chapters on counting, shapes, and comparing.
The book includes Guide sections written in an engaging comic book style, and over 400 practice problems ranging from introductory level exercises to very challenging puzzles and word problems.
Use this to decide if your child is ready for Beast Academy 1A.
Beast Academy 1A Covers the Following Topics
Keeping track, recognizing small amounts (subitizing), grouping, ten frames, hundreds charts.
Names and properties, rotations and reflections, combinations and dissections, polyominoes.
Equal amounts, matching (correspondence), symbols (=, <, and >), ordering within 100, comparing length and distance.
Full Color Paperback
216 pages
10 7/8 x 8 3/8 inches
ISBN: 978-1-934124-69-7